My work spans computer vision and computer graphics to computational geometry and topology and to remote sensing. With an overall goal of 3D shape analysis and understanding, my research interests include the acquisition, reconstruction and processing of 3D moving shapes. These shapes range from human bodies and organs to animals or even mechanical parts. Currently, I am especially interested in trees and plants, because of their challenging geometric and topological complexities.

3D shape analysis and understanding of plants and trees

For a computer to automatically analyze and "understand" the geometric shape of real objects such as plants (which is sometimes called digital geometry processing), several stages are necessary. Click on each picture to get an overview of my contributions to each of them.

3D data acquisition

3D data acquisition

The geometry of the input real object or plant, and possibly other information such as its colours or textures, must be transferred into the computer. This is usually done using passive systems such as cameras (a process called photogrammetry) or active ones such as laser scanners. The result is most often a 3D point cloud or a 3D mesh.

Data cleaning

Data cleaning

The acquired data is usually noisy and incomplete because of limitations in the acquisition process (hidden parts due to occlusions, windy conditions making the plant move, etc.).

Segmentation into organs

Segmentation into organs

The geometry of the plant is often complex. Subdividing it into simpler parts (ideally, its organs) helps the computer to analyze it.

Geometric model fitting

Geometric model fitting

Once the 3D points of each plant organ have been isolated from the others, fitting a continuous geometric model such as a cylinder or a spline surface to them is often needed. It makes subsequent measurements easier and more robust to missing data or non-uniform sampling.

Motion/growth tracking

Motion/growth tracking

When several successive 3D acquisitions of a plant or tree are available, it is possible to track its motion over time. Depending on the time scale, this can be e.g., a balancing motion due to windy conditions, or the growth motion.

Once these stages have been completed, several plant traits can easily be estimated and tracked over time. They include, among others:

As an example, the UrTrees project is a citizen science project that allows to compute the main features of a tree from a single smartphone video. Check the video!

Current students

Past work


Graduate students




Data sets